Wednesday 26 August 2015

Step by step guide to full over lined lips.

The best lipstick  for over lining has a matte finish, this is because your lips are set forward and a shine or silk finish shows this.

Sorry for my face, please ignore it ;)

First start with no makeup on the lips.

2, Following your qupids bow but about 1 cm higher draw what looks like a little mustache. I like to build this up as obviously your lips are more forward than above your qupids bow.

Step 3, join the mustache to the top lip. MAKE SURE YOU JOIN THE LINER TO YOUR ACTUAL LIPS IN THE CORNER. If you dont do this you will look like a fish/blow up doll (trust me I did it) then line underneath the bottom lip in the center (again about 1 cm away from your lips) I again went opver this line to thicken it.

Step 4, Join the liner to your natural bottom lips in the corner.

Step 5, Colour in the liner with lipstick!

There you go, fuller lips with no pain.

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